Yesterday, the Freeport High School Speech Team rode on a frigid yellow bus to Byron High School to compete in the Byron Speech Holiday Classic. The second we arrived, the whole team was already buzzing, filling out their critique sheets, scanning their schematics, and rushing from one end of the school to the other, finding their rooms and preparing to perform - that was enough to warm us up. Round One came and went. Round Two came and went. And among freshly baked potatoes and yummy bagel sandwiches, we all waited anxiously for finals to be posted, the pent up energy keeping us laughing and merry. Finally, the moment came. A man announced that all of us should make our way to the gym, for finals would be posted on a screen once we'd arrived. Members of my team and the teams all around us gathered up their pens, papers, and books (if they were entered in a book event), ready to write down room numbers and go off to their respective rooms, already prepared. But...I didn't....
The great thing about stories is that we all have one to tell, and each one presents something a little special. I hope that sharing mine can encourage, offer reflection, or maybe simply pass the time. I hope you enjoy the tales that God has placed upon my heart to tell.