The whole week was a blast, even if the term "Bus Ride 2016" started trending due to the awful traffic we experienced. However, there was one moment that resonated me. It's still so perfectly etched into my memory that I'm nearly 100% positive no detail of it will be forgotten.
It was around 7:00AM. A group of us decided to sacrifice our slumber in order to watch the sun rise up over the ocean's horizon. We waited patiently under the pale blue sky and looked out over the gentle rolling waves, wrapped up in hoodies and blankets to shield us from the morning chill. I even waded in the water that crept up on the beach. My toes dug into the moving sand and the cold water tickled my ankles. Regardless of the numbness that followed, it was such a liberating feeling. I stood there, knowing that somewhere, this same ocean touched another person's curious feet miles and miles away. And that same person had their own life, their own worries, their own troubles...
That was when the sun finally came out. It crested tantalizingly over the horizon, shy to show itself right away. But we patiently waited as each ray emerged from the ocean's depths and made itself known to us. They painted the sky in beautiful hues of pink and orange. The ocean reflected the light and those same colors were dappled across it, so clearly that the water resembled glass.
"God is so beautiful," I whispered to myself as I took in the sight. And it was then that it all clicked. God is beautiful. And that beauty is infused into the wonders of this world, the breath-taking sights that leave us all still. These sights are everywhere around us. There's something beautiful in just about everything we see. And when we find those things and dwell on them, we can see God. We can not only see Him, but feel Him tugging on our hearts
, saying, "This is the world that I created for you. Won't you be still and behold its magnificence? Won't you enjoy it while you can? Won't you take care of it? Do you see Me?"
Wherever you go, God will surely follow. There is no place on this Earth that He will leave you. We're all connected on this tiny blue dot. We can all stand and enjoy these sights, these wonders. Whether you're going through a thriving season or a dry season, I challenge you to see God in something, anything that you encounter today. See Him and feel Him calling out to your heart. I only know of a wonderful Father who could create a sight like this. What will that sight be in your life?
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